JUST IN ... gorgeous hardcover journals, notebooks and sketchbooks from one of the finest journal makers ... Paperblanks. We have sizes ranging from the purse sized mini to the full grande size. Great for journaling, diaries, poetry, memos and more ... and the unlined ones are fantastic sketch and drawing books. We even have one made for writers of music. Available in our Los Gatos Shop and online at JustWriteArts.com.
These journals are part of a unique collection of notebooks, each with an antique look and feel. The materials are carefully chosen for both beauty and longevity. These are perfect for memos, notes, stories, diaries, travel journals, daily tasks, field trips, composition books, sketching, lists, drawing, poetry, short stories, music, songs, ideas, scrapbooks, mixed media art, collections, ... you name it.

We still offer curbside pickup and free local delivery
FREE local delivery is still available upon request for pre-paid purchases over $25.00. Our “local delivery map" is located on our website. Deliveries will be made on Tue/Thurs/Sat afternoons.
For continuing updates please follow us here on our blog, or on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/Just.Write.Arts).
We hope you are doing well in this trying time … and thank you again for your support. Enjoy our New Year. Please stay safe and healthy during this crisis, and we hope to see you soon online or in our shop. Please visit our website to place an order, or to see our newest cards and other favorites. www.JustWriteArts.com OR send us an email to JustWriteArts@comcast.net.
Bob & Susan